Hobby Slump Break Out – Terrain WIP – Shrine of the Aquilla

Just an update off the back of yesterdays post – I am trying to break my hobby slump so I am building terrain!

Firstly, ever wondered what $1700AUS worth of terrain from GW looks like? This is half of it…

Pile of Boxes 1

Along with this there is a Shrine of the Aquilla, a Fortress of Redemption, a plasma obliterator and one of each of the new Chaos Fort Kits!

I decided I would start with the shrine first.

Shrine 1

Shrine 2

Turns out its an elegantly simple while detailed kit. I took a fair bit of time cleaning it up as the mould lines were appalling and like most GW terrain, if you don’t clean it up then the joins are not great. The eagle head did not go in particularly well but all in all I think its a nice kit.

Shrine 3

I hope to get it painted as the next step in motivation…That or build a very big and spikey fort!