Transparency – the key to a happy game

This concept is probably not new to anyone reading this – being transparent in the game we play is vital to both players having a good time. In casual or pick up games, knowing what is in a transport, what powers the psykers have or how many wounds left that carnifex has are all things we need to know to make decisions about the battlefield.

But what about the less tangible things?

Lets start with intent.

By intent – we can refer to making each movement clear and ensuring our opponent understands exactly what is going on and what the dice being rolled are for. By ensuring the opponent has this understanding, we reduce or remove any doubt about our play to ensure a fair and even game.

As a tournament attendee we would be expecting the players pack to clarify the rules of the event and help us develop and understanding of the intent of the event. Is it a hard core gaming event where winning is everything? A hobby event where painted forces get a bonus despite poor performance on the table? something in between? we need to know!

We recently drew the match ups for the Australiasian Team Challenge and one of the members of the council insisted that the draw be recorded and at least 2 witness present via Skype for the draw. At firstĀ I thought this was massively over the top – bordering on the ridiculous. Its a game of toy soldiers for heavens sake! Why all the drama of a recorded and witnessed draw for what was essentially a meaningless process as every team would play every other team?


He argues that regardless of who won, they should be able to make the claim without the fear of others claiming they got a good draw or not (based on who they played in which round for which mission). The victory had to be pure and unchallenged on any level to have any value for the victor in his eyes. It took a while but I now totally agree.

By having a transparent process now, it sets expectations for the future events and ensures that future winners can hold heads high without any fear of a process being abused.

Which brings me to my conclusion – being transparent has set the tone for the event in just a couple of weeks and in doing so will make any win that much more satisfying. Think about that in your next game – take the time to be clear to the opponent and ensure they understand your intent. The taste of that victory is far sweeter