Forge World have done it, they’ve released more Beta rules for the Adeptus Custodes 40k army. Let’s take a closer look at what the team at FW have released.

Something New
This was a little surprising and a little out of the blue. FW had been rumoured to have been writing another Imperial Armour release that would include actual official rules for the Adeptus Custodes use in 40k.
The rumours go on that the book would include stratagems, characters and many other new tricks and toys.
What happened to that book? It’s release date is unknown right now. And so far FW have yet to release any specific book for 8th Edition bar the original and almost woefully outdated Index’s. It seems their focus has been firmly fixed on finishing HH Book 8 “Malevolence” and releasing some pretty awesome specialist games.
While we patiently wait for the Imperial Armour books release, they’ve given us a digital download compiling the datasheets for Adpetus Custodes range. That range is pretty much everything from the HH Legio Custodes army list. They’ve brought over so many new toys, it’s given the Custodes a whole new lease of life and refreshed the Codex somewhat. They’ve also reviewed and updated the points for units that already had Beta rules.
Straight up, the Codex and Beta Range together give the Custodes way more options in the Elite (now up to nine), Fast Attack (four) and Heavy Support (three) slots. We’ve also now got access to a single Dedicated Transport and an amazing Lord of War option too.

Beta Rules – The Good Custodes
The Orion Dropship – A Lord of War gunship that can throw out so much S7 fire, has 22w and is T8. That’s not all, it also gets a 5++ and can easily get -2 to hit on it too. Dropped into most competitive builds it will add some serious mid/high strength ranged fire support. Another bonus, it can carry units and a single Contemptor Dreadnought. It’s only downside, the physical price…
Caladius Grav-Tank – Armed with Twin Iliastus Accelerator Cannons it comes in at just 210pts. What makes the Accelerator Cannon good? How about 8 60″ S8 -3 D3 shots per turn on a platform that is T7, 14W, has Fly, Power of the Machine Spirit and assaulting units get -2 to their change range. It’s a cheap tank that the Custodes just love.
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought – OK this really need a points adjustment from it’s last rule-set, what a surprise it went down though. So what’s the catch? Well, it’s guns took a hit, mainly in the number of shots and strength of its Iliastus Accelerator Culverin. It’s role has certainly changed though. In this iteration you need to be a bully with this unit now. It still has a 4++ so get it up close and personal to get the best out of it’s S16 combat fist. You’d need to build a list around this beast, especially seeing as it’s no longer restricted to 1 per army.
Pallas Grav-Attack – A little dark horse that I initially wrote off. For a start it moves 16″ and only has 8W, meaning that doesn’t care how much damage it’s taken it always has BS2+. It’s dual fire modes gun is handy too, first is H2 S7, -4, 3D and gets to re-roll wounds against Vehicles. The second profile is just H6, -2, 1D that will be handy but not brilliant. What’s good, well it comes in at 100pts! This also sits in the Fast Attack slot that means you get access to cheap FA slots allowing for a single big unit of bikes.

Beta Rules – The OK Custodes
Coronus Grav-Carrier – Finally a Dedicated Transport. And one that has Fly too, along with a 5++, PotMS and charging units have to -2 to their charge range. It’s main gun is the same as Pallas Grav-Attack and gets a H6, S6, -2 1D additional gun too. It can sit 6 Infantry Adeptus Custodes too, with no restrictions on armour type as a Land Raider is restricted by. The only real downside, it’s 245pts making it a bit too expensive for most Custodes lists that will still rely on Vertus Praetors and can get better guns for cheaper.
Aquilon Terminators – Similar in cost to the Allarus Custodes. They hit hard with their S10 fists, have access to a 12″ H6, S6, -1, 1D flamer and can deep strike to boot. They just seem a little points heavy for what you get, and to make them truly work you have to invest even more points in. However in a list built specifically for them, they could do some damage.
Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought – An intriguing unit that sits in the Telemon’s shadow. What’s interesting is it’s Dreadspear that does D6 damage (rolls of 1&2 counts as D3) in combat. It can also do mortal wounds on units it charges too.
Venatari Custodians – The new guys in the Custodes range. They get a 12″ move along with Fly and can take Kinetic Destroyers. The Destroyers are pretty handy Pistol 2, S6, -2, 2D weapons that get additional hits on 6’s to hit. Swapping out the Destroyers for Venatari Lance’s, they get the same lance as Vertus Praetors do in combat and the same shooting profile as the Destroyers. Quite nasty little weapons, but at close to 60pts per model they just don’t seem to hit hard enough with enough attacks.

Beta Rules – The Missed Opportunities Custodes
Sagittarum Custodians – I really wanted to like these, I love the models, but the weapons just don’t cut it. Just not enough shots, not enough range, not enough damage. With so much fast and heavy hitting units available, I just can’t see them being a viable option right now.
Custodian Guard with Adrasite & Pyrithite Spears – The Adrasite spear is underwhelming, just not enough punch compared to nearly every other spear weapon in the Codex. The Pyrithite Spears are handy having inbuilt melta guns, but only having single shots makes them a bit risky as you’ll need to deep-strike them to get in range or try marching up the board. More units do both spears.
Agamatus Custodians – At first glance they looked good, but on closer inspection their points start to creep up a little too high. Ideally you’d want to arm them with the Twin Las-pulsars which are 2d3, S8, -2, D3. But then a three man unit sits around 360pts. For another 50pts you may as well get two Caladius Grav-Tanks or for a bit more an Orion Dropship.
Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought – A bit too slow in an army that’s so fast. It’s Galatus Warblade does get an 8″ 2D6 S6 flamer, but it’ll struggle to get in range. The model looks cool though, so if you’re choosing units on “rule of cool” then go for it.

Beta Rules – Where to from here
With this mini release, it’s a little too late for me to change what I’m planning to take to Objective Secured’s First Blood 1000pt tournament but after that I think I’ll be looking to add a Caladius or two and maybe start saving for an Orion…
Meta-wise, the Custodes have received a bump, and we’ll probably start seeing more vehicle heavy lists appearing. This release has given them some great ranged weapons. Custodes certainly have more than a few options to deal with some of the top lists now although how well they can deal with 120+ Plague Bearers or 180 Orks remains to be seen.