Progress has continued with The Armageddon Chronicles. Slow progress, but progress all the same. I am not a fast painter and have to fit it in around work and family commitments, but I believe the important thing is to make progress, no matter how small. The numbers of Armageddon Steel Legion continue to grow!

As such, I have completed one command squad and one infantry squad for my Armageddon Steel Legion since my last update. There are some conversions involved including the powerfist in the officer and the flamer. Also present is the Necromunda sniper (the kneeling trooper in the command squad) who isn’t technically a Steel Legion model but was released for Necromunda prior to the full release of the Steel Legion. He’s almost like a trial run as he fits perfectly into the range.

This is my fourth command squad and my tenth infantry squad and, after painting that many, it can become a bit of a chore to keep the painting juices flowing. Because of this, I have decided to reward myself for painting an infantry squad by painting something more fun afterwards. This time, I decided it would be the new Rogal Dorn tank. Very excitedly, I unpacked the box and assembled the main structure of the tank. Then it was time for details… It was at this time that I accidentally snapped the aerial and sent it pinging across the room, yet to be seen to this day!

In this moment of emotional vulnerability, I swore, I sulked and then I decided to paint a chimera!
I converted this chimera probably about 10 years ago. I was very proud of it. So proud, I left it untouched on the shelf until now. As the Armageddon Steel Legion are abundant with chimeras, this one was converted to be the chimera for my ogryns. As ogryns are naturally claustrophobic and don’t like going in small, dark places, I wanted to make it look like they had reinforced the chimera to stop them breaking out. It hasn’t been entirely successful!

As I was painting it, I decided not to put any unit markings on it as the crews would think there was no point as the chimera is likely to be destroyed by the ogryns before it even reaches the enemy! I also painted my tracks in a new way. I have updated it to a more modern style and made it look more realistic. The previous scheme was created in 3rd ed and is now showing its age. Although I am happy with the result, I also have 25 tanks and three super heavy tanks painted in the old scheme that need updating. What have I done?

Up next on the painting table will be another infantry squad and, if I can bring myself to have another go, the Rogal Dorn.