Building a table of terrain!
I have been pretty open about the amount of terrain we are trying to plow through in order to ensure that the tables are the best quality possible for 2016… More Building a table of terrain!
I have been pretty open about the amount of terrain we are trying to plow through in order to ensure that the tables are the best quality possible for 2016… More Building a table of terrain!
(Written at 10pm Sunday 7th August after the Mixed Doubles event) Our Winners I don’t know where to even start with this! As a spectator (non playing event organiser) watching… More The wrap up – Mixed doubles, AKA a great big hug.
Sportsmanship Scores. They are a tricky one. Not only are they totally subjective but there is absolutely no way to rank everyone in the room based on sports so for… More Sportsmanship scores – how we calculate sports for our 40k events.
Our WA people hopefully know that we have the Mixed Doubles event happening this weekend (Sunday 7th August). It all started at Masters last year when there was only one… More Mixed Doubles AKA a great big hug!
This blog post is based on a Facebook post that I wrote back in April, just prior to the WATC event. M saw a Facebook post of a tournament player… More 3 Colour Minimum Painting Requirement
Tournament players are all hard core and who would want to play in tournaments? (by a non-tournament player) When I hear the same thing over and over again I start… More Tournament players are all hard core?!?
Quick intro For those of you who follow along on Facebook or who come to the tournaments you may have seen me posting comments etc on Facebook (marked -E so… More Building Community (and a quick intro)