Building better habits part 2 – What is Grot to Nob?
If you saw my last post HERE you will know that I have decided to try and change some of my habits and choices as it becomes more important to look after myself. While doing so I hope to encourage others to do the same so we can all meet at a table for more games for many years to come!
One of our long time followers asked me about – and mentioned I already had – some SMART goals. If you have not heard this term before I know it as an acronym for
Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely
So when it comes to setting goals it has to pass this test.
My goal is to improve my overall health (mental and physical) and the measurable part of this will be my weight (losing 10kg), and also being less stressed and anxious. To do this I will reduce my caffeine and sugar consumption in conjunction with a change in diet to focus on eating better while also drinking 2 litres of water a day and exercising for at least 45 mins every day. I will also be doing hobby for the same time as I exercise to make sure my mental space gets some time to relax and have fun.

From Grot to Nob
While doing this I have set up a Give now page named “from Grot to Nob” – which you can find here – GIVE NOW with the goal of raising $500 for a not for profit organisation that supports men and dads mental health. You can find the main give now page HERE if you want to do your own challenge and raise money alongside me.
Each week I will post an update of my progress – both my physical and hobby related parts! – so you can see how I am tracking. If you want to participate as well you can share your own progress. We also have set up a Grot to Nob Facebook group if you want to come and support and encourage me or others who might take part.
The challenge starts 1st May 2023 and I really hope you can join me in my journey.