Rather than bore you with talking about Cancon 2019 – especially since I wasn’t able to attend in person – how about we just show you some of the amazing armies on show! Special thanks to Aaron (who flew across for the weekend to play 40k!) for the photos of the weekend.
First off – lets check out 40k! Some amazing armies on display here, with conversions aplenty, a decent variety in forces and some stand out hobby from the community.
Best of all, Aaron got photos not only of the 40k armies on parade but also the Age of Sigmar ones! Obviously with such big events, these are not every army at the event but it gives you an idea of the hobby standard on display.
Age of Sigmar is still in its infancy for me hobby wise but the photos of the Daughters of Khaine in this gallery have really inspired me to add them to the 2019 roster of things to paint!
If you have any more photos from Cancon 2019, please feel free to share them to the Obsec Gamers group on facebook!