3 Colour Minimum Painting Requirement
This blog post is based on a Facebook post that I wrote back in April, just prior to the WATC event. M saw a Facebook post of a tournament player… More 3 Colour Minimum Painting Requirement
This blog post is based on a Facebook post that I wrote back in April, just prior to the WATC event. M saw a Facebook post of a tournament player… More 3 Colour Minimum Painting Requirement
Forgeworld rules seems to have an interesting heritage in the gaming community. By this I mean that even now, after more than a decade, the stigma attached to using forgeworld… More Eldar Corsairs – Mercs on the road
One year on… I can’t really believe that one year has been and gone already! The fact that a year ago I started writing this blog/website and over the course… More One Year On… a year in reflection
The games are done for the 2016 WATC – there is no more we can do. Everyone chips in (like they did at set up!) and packs the tables and… More WATC Final Thoughts and Results
WATC Round 4 is here and we are undefeated as a team – and I am yet to drop a game with Harlequins! Talk about little engine that could! That… More WATC Wrap up – Part 4
The Adepta Sororitas are an interesting army these days. Still all metal models, largely out of production and digital only codex. You could say the barrier to entry for this… More Friday Flash Back Army – Adepta Sororitas
Round 3 of the WATC and I am on a win and a draw with Harlequins! Could it be any better? Well yes it could but that’s not the point!… More WATC Wrap up – Part 3
Tournament players are all hard core and who would want to play in tournaments? (by a non-tournament player) When I hear the same thing over and over again I start… More Tournament players are all hard core?!?
After my last round of the WATC (you can read it HERE) – I was pumped! I had won a game with pure Harlequins! Who cares what comes of the rest… More WATC Wrap up – Part 2
So now I have a chance to get some rest and recover, here is the first part of my wrap up for the WATC 2016 40k event. As mentioned in… More WATC Wrap up – Part 1