Latest Past Events

War Calls 2021

Armadale Town Hall Cnr Church Ave & Jull Street, Armadale

Welcome to War Calls 2021! This event is a 2 day, 2000 point strike force level event from the Grand Tournament 2020 rule book. No less than 6 games will be played (subject to attendance this may increase) on the 44x60 tables as recommended in the GT2020 Book. The event is our first formal competitive… More War Calls 2021


Line Breaker 2021 – Warhammer Camp, Albany

Gil Creek Scout Hall 330 Norwood Rd, King River

Warhammer Camp is back for 2021! Drive to (mostly!) sunny Albany on Friday afternoon and join us for a night of board games, casual play games and general frivolity. Saturday the 40k formal tournament will be in full swing with 2000 point games the order of the day (at the request of the locals!). That… More Line Breaker 2021 – Warhammer Camp, Albany

First Blood 2021

Kelmscott Hall 60 River Rd, Kelmscott

Welcome to First Blood 2021! This event is a one day, 1000 point incursion level event from the Grand Tournament 2020 rule book. No less than 4 games will be played (subject to attendance this may increase) on the 44x30 tables as recommended in the GT2020 Book. The event is aimed at allowing new players… More First Blood 2021
