First Blood Photo Reel 2018

Its time for the First Blood Photo Reel! In case you have not heard of this event, First Blood 40k 2018 was held on Saturday 20th January 2018. We had over 80 players each playing five 90 minute games. First Blood is the opening event for the ObSec WA 40k Event Circuit with a focus on fast and furious games of 1000 points.

I have written a massive post about the event but it is just too big and needs to be broken down into at least 2 posts so if you are interested in reading about the event, hold tight and a write up will follow but in the mean time. Ever wondered what 82 players looks like?

First Blood Photo

Check out the foot wear of choice for more than a few players!

Want to see what the armies looked like? Ok before you check out the armies, here is my disclaimer. It shouldn’t be hard for me to get photos of all the armies, it should be a matter of walking up and down each row and taking a couple of photos at each table. The reality is I am very easily distracted, more so when I have a camera to my eye, and had literally 5 minutes to try and get as many photos of as many armies as possible before I had to go back to scoring the painting. If your army isn’t here it has nothing to do with your painting skill, it was purely down to me getting lost in the room and not being able to remember which armies I had done already, where I was up to, someone asking me a question or my needing to get back to the scoring. If I didn’t get your army please let me know and I will make sure I get photos next time!


Our winners – First Blood and Young Bloods!


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