Well its 2020 and one of the main things I want from this year is to simply play more games – ideally events. Emma has been super supportive of this for me so I need to get a new army off the ground. I have several I could work on but one has jumped out by nature of owning it right now! Enter the Aeldari Wraith Constructs.

The Aeldari feature a number of Wraith Construct models and units to select from – all with similar traits on the table. Lets take a quick look at those now.
All the Wraith Constructs sit in special slots for force organisation – HQ, Elite, Heavy and Super Heavy. You can run pure wraiths but you will have few CP up your sleeve! They also tend to be very good at one thing on the table which means you need to support them with alternate units and models.
All the Wraith Constructs are tough with a capital T! All feature a minimum toughness of 6 but the bigger ones are T8, and all have multiple wounds – 3 for the smallest and 24 for the gargantuan Wraith Knight! They all also boast a 3+ save and many can have an invulnerable save or get one from a support model.

Wraith Constructs don’t come cheap, a full unit of wraith blades will set you back 350 points fully loaded while the Knight will easily break 400 points fully equipped with shoulder weapons and main guns.
Simply put, this isn’t their strong suite. They need to be deployed well, carried with a wave serpent, deployed via webway or in some way psychically enhanced to make sure you get them where they need to be for when you need them.

They have it in spades. For shooting you get the utterly destructive wraith guard boasting super high strength and AP combined with a short range. In combat the wraith blades deliver a good volume of high strength attacks with good AP and often multiple damage. The wraith lord builds on this by combining the best of both and the Knight turns that up to eleven. If you are caught in range of a unit of Wraith Constructs – especially unharmed ones – then best be ready to meet your maker! Range is the issue most of the time for these units and combined with their lack of mobility you start to get a picture of the issues you face when fielding multiple units if these warriors.
So whats a list look like with them?
Good question! I have a few ideas for army lists featuring Wraiths. Some are Ynnari while others are craftworld forces. There is a lot to unpack options wise and combo wise! Expect details on that in the coming days!
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