Ynnari represent something of a paradox in their latest incarnation. During late 7th and all the way to April 2019 of 8th, the Ynnari dominated many games they played with their ability to double activate multiple units and even with the repeated changes to this mechanic, many still felt the ability simply to good. This was compounded with trying to balance points on units for non Ynnari aeldari units while still taking into account when they did become Ynnari. I posted a little while back about some plans for Ynnari but lets break down some of the new rules and options.
May 2019 gave us a completely revised Soulburst mechanic for the Ynnari which now gives the aeldari a unique build style – one of close combat. The 3 unique characters also got overhauls along with relics, warlord traits, psychic powers and so on.
Today we are going to focus on the 3 heroes of the Triumvirate and what they look like in their current form.
The Visarch

The Visarch was always the 3rd wheel of the Triumvarate in previous rules – not so much anymore. Higher than average move (faster than a lot of other Aeldari to boot!) standard 2+/2+ to hit with strength and toughness 3 and 5 wounds. With 5 attacks, leadership of 9 and 3+ save it rounds out a fairly impressive profile. He picks up a 4+ invulnerable save now thanks to his (forgotten in previous versions despite it being on the model) forceshield. Like previous editions, the Visarch has the ability to embark any aeldari transport thanks to his Revered Figurehead rule.
He now boasts an aura of reroll 1’s to hit for friendly Ynnari models within 6” and also can regain wounds when friendly Aeldari models die within 6” – even gaining an attack for the rest of the game if that model is a character. Lastly, the Visarch can take wounds for Yvraine if needed if within 3” of her much like a drone for the Tau.
The Visarch only boasts 1 weapon – the Sword of Silent Screams, Asu-Var. The sword is a super power sword, boasting +2S, -3ap and d3 damage while also lowering enemy leadership by 1 if they take any casualties from the blade. Cap all this off with the lowest points cost of the 3 Ynnari heroes, less than 130 points!
If you want to add a Ynnari detachment to your army, the Visarch is the cheapest way to do it and buffs the forces you will likely field thanks to his reroll aura. The reroll aura is also not limited infantry or other specific key words as well which means things like a wraithknight will benefit from it. Its also important to note that things like Harlequins love to get this sort of aura – something they don’t get easily. I think you will see him used a lot with Ynnari Harlequins in general.
All in all the Visarch is a solid choice for Ynnari.

Many of Yvraines stats are mirrors of the Visarch. Apart from attacks – only 4 rather than his 5, and a save of 6+ rather than his 3+ she is essentially identical. She keeps his 4+ invulnerable save thanks to her Runesuit. What makes her different to her bodyguard is her psychic abilities. She can cast 2 powers a turn and deny 1 a turn. She knows 2 powers from the revenant discipline while her Grynix familiar gives her +1 to psychic tests and deny the wych tests.
She has the same Revered Figurehead ability of the Visarch and much like him she regains wounds from aeldari which die nearby but instead of getting attacks from characters that die she gains new psychic powers.
Her solo weapon, the Sword of Sorrows, Kha-vir. A slightly improved powersword and slightly underwhelming, with +1S, -2ap and d3 damage. When combined with less attacks this makes Yvraine much more of a caster who can defend herself rather than an outright fighter like she might have been prior.
Yvraine is only a dozen points more than the Visarch which makes her quite a steal given her stats and abilities. Her place seems to be one of addition to Drukhari forces who might not be ynnari (adding mortal wounds from psychic powers as well as a deny) but with the revenant powers being solid support powers for Ynnari she is a great choice for a detachment of Ynnari from any of the aeldari factions.
The Yncarne

The Yncarne is essentially the Ynnari avatar. Its stats reflect that its essentially a greater daemon – 8” move (including FLY), 2+/2+ to hit (no shooting attacks mind you), strength and toughness of 6, 9 wounds (and character so no targeting if its not the closest), 6 attacks with leadership 9 and 3+ armour round it out. Like the other 2 Ynnari it has a 4+ invulnerable save from its Daemonic Avatar rule and also regains wounds from aeldari which die nearby though it won’t gain anything from characters.
Like Yvraine it’s a psyker and can cast 2 powers and deny 1 though it has no buffs like she does. It boasts an impressive aura which allows friendly Ynnari units to automatically pass morale tests within 6” as well as gaining an ignore wounds ability on 6+ within the same range.
What makes the Yncarne so unique is the way it can move and deploy. Inevitable Death allows the Yncarne to deploy on the table or in tactical reserves. If deployed in reserve it can be deployed when a unit (friend or foe) is completely destroyed and is set up as close to the location of the destroyed unit but more than 1” away from enemy models. It also can’t charge when deployed this way (though it can heroically intervene).
Its second rule, Summoned by Death, allows you to redeploy the Yncarne following the rules for Inevitable death during the game – mid turn or even action – as needed. This makes for some amazing options, it can kill an enemy in the fight phase and then if another ynnari unit kills a unit in the same phase you can pull the yncarne out of harms way. That’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the yncarnes tricks. That all comes at a cost though. With a points total over 300 its not a model you would likely see in smaller games. Its likely overpriced based on its rules and profile but its still definitely usable.
So where does that leave the Ynnari? All 3 heroes are now in a place where each is a valid and viable option pending what you need from them. I don’t think you will see Visarch outside of Ynnari armies but I can easily see the Yncarne and Yvraine joining non Ynnari armies to help them with psychic abilities, mortal wounds or general combat ability.