Journey to the dark side part II…..

Part 2 from guest author Nat – bring on Shadespire!

Journey to the dark side part II…..hunting for glory in Shadespire

Hey there, Nat here again. I thought this time I could talk more about my introduction into Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire.


My interest started at last year’s SHO where Shadespire was being demonstrated for the first time by Stuart from Warhammer Baldivis. I found it easy to understand considering my limited knowledge of Warhammer and its gaming systems. Not a lot of thought was put into actually playing it until Ryan came home with the core pack *insert annoyed wife look here*. How Ryan decided to ease me into how the game was played was to start off at a basic level i.e. just playing with the models and their character card, moving and charging until we were all dead; from there once I found my bearings, we added layer by layer until we were playing the full game. I found the system really enjoyable to play; it wasn’t as confronting as what the 40k games were but still had that level of strategy which was perfect for my basic understanding.


I began to want to have my own models and settled on the Chosen Axes, aptly named the Shorty Bois by yours truly. After suffering a bad day at work, I marched into the Games Workshop in Perth and did something I never thought I would do, buy something for myself in that store. After years of being sent on paint errands, buying birthday and Christmas presents, I officially made that leap to the dark side. Once my warband was ready to go and I got a bit more confident in how they played, Ryan suggested I take part in the Fremantle Games Workshop Tournament. After a bit umming and ahhing, I asked if we could have a practice tournament round so I can get an idea of how the rounds are played and this is how it went. Round one to Ryan by 1 Glory, round two was a draw and round three went to me by 1 Glory for us to tie overall. Well, didn’t that upset Ryan! Ha-ha!

But in all honesty I am looking forward to the event and am keen to see how I hold my own in my first solo tournament.

Wish me luck!
