Which is good, ‘cause I’m still… SQUIRREL!!
A guest post from Inquisitor Mikey… no, I don’t know what the squirrel reference is! – Massaen
Lo there, loyal members of the Noble Imperium, warp spawned Heretics, and decidedly undecided Xenos! Inquisitor Mikey here again to talk about the mighty Imperial Guard!
Not a lot has happened since I last put fingers to keypad. A lot of listing, considering, reconsidering, re-reconsidering… and so on.
My current projected list of tasks for my Imperial Guard/Inquisition list is attached in this Kanban Flow board. Long time listeners to the ‘Independent Characters’ Podcast will be familiar with this form of project management. I am probably… ok, definitely… one of the most disorganised people I can think of. As I have mentioned previously, I have a tendency to be an ideas man… not so good with the follow through. Hency my need for structure.
What this board showed, however, was that I have most of the stuff I need! A lot of it needs finishing touches to be considered “assembled” and then I will see vast swathes of movement. None of which will actually mean I have done anything, but will make me feel better. Good enough!
I am waiting for a day or 2 of non-Tallarn weather (sorry… Imperial Guard players in-joke there) to try and put down some of the inestimable Army Painter coloured primer spray on my platoons. A little while ago I entered a Facebook competition and actually won something! And I didn’t even have to send money to cover lawyer’s fees for the millions of dollars from the lottery I never entered or from the estate of the millionaire relative I have never met! What I did have to do was provide my address and they sent me my choice of colour primer. I chose Dragon Red, which was going to be for my Daemons. Then I SQUIRRELed… and now it will be base colour for my Imperial Guard army.

Speaking of the army… I have wish-washed around that for a bit. Currently I have 2 options/plans.
Inquisitor army the First: Inquisitor with a grox-load of buddies in a Landraider redeemer, a platoon of Vostroyan infantry and some support guns, Attilan Rough Riders, Pask and another 3 tanks scattered around the army, some armoured sentinals, and some Stormtrooper/Karskin chaps in a Chimera (this is the one the Kanban board is based on).
Inquisitorial army the Second: Same Inquistor and buddies… but this time adding some Marines in the form of a LandRaider Crusader filled with Black Templars, a Deathwatch squad, and whatever Imperial Guard elements I need to make up the points from there.
Of course, by next week there will probably be another 2 or 3 options there.
Are we seeing why I need to Kanban board to get anything done?
Now. Where did I put that superglue…
Inquisitor Mikey.
Innocence proves nothing. With great Power comes great Power. Responsibility? The Emperor absolves me of any responsibility other than to achieve my aims. Extreme Prejudice is my first option. The Emperor protects.