Warhammer 40,000 ATC part 3.
This is the blog post that just keeps giving, or should that be, just keeps going? My intention was to ask Brett to write a post and then I would give a brief into and put some photos up. I failed. Brett wrote his view of the event (thanks Brett) and if you haven’t seen it you can check it out here but my brief intro became a full on post which you can read here including a discussion on the stats for the event and now I am getting around to publishing the actual photos.
Photo Reel
Normally I would aim to have a more comprehensive photographic record of the event but sadly I was unable to spend much time at that end of the event so if you are not in these photos you have my most humble of apologies!
Congratulations and thank you
Congratulations to everyone who was involved in making the Warhammer 40,000 Australian and New Zealand Team Championships a success. There are so many people that play a role in this that don’t get to play during the event. The families who gave up time with the player for the weekend so that the player could attend. All of the players who participated in practice games so that the players could get in as much practice as possible against a wide variety of armies. Beyond Games and Hobby who loaned tables of terrain for the event and Josh and Adam from Down Under Network for covering games to share with those who couldn’t make it across. Of course thank you and congratulations to all of the players, especially those who travelled from over east or NZ to be a part of the event.