As we (Objective Secured) work to grow the gaming community here in WA we have been trying to do what we can to help bring awareness to local gaming clubs (more blog posts on this will follow in the coming days so stay tuned). We have also seen gaming groups (or teams) start to spring up. Groups of gamers who have developed their own form of collaborative partnership as a way to grow and improve as players. The first group that hit our radar for SHO 2017 was the Toy Soldier Cartel.
As an outsider, it could be seen as elitist to have an invite only group, the Toy Soldier Cartel is anything but. They are the most good natured, down to earth guys you will meet. They are great supporters of Objective Secured and I really do thank them for all their support. Today I chat with founding member Courtney about the Toy Soldier Cartel. We talk about how it has grown and evolved over the last year.
How long have you been associated with the Toy Soldier Cartel and in what ways?
For about a year now. Our club debut was at SHO 2017. I would count myself as the club’s president, with equal leadership share with Jayden Capps, and Alan Oliver.
Tell me a little bit about the Toy Soldier Cartel’s history?
We started up with the intention of being a competitive-minded 40k gaming group specifically designed for WATC. We also wanted to support each other in growing our gaming skills, tactics and knowledge within 40k. I think we brought home a win or placing in one of the three main categories for 90% of events attended.
My ultimate goal was to create a competitive club that would see the creation of other teams, not only for WATC event, but to get more team names at singles events.

What games do the Toy Soldier Cartel play?
Warhammer 40k is where we started, a few of the boys dabble in Shadespire and a couple of other game systems. Personally, I don’t mind what they do as long as they represent the club in the most positive way they can.
What is the membership and entry fees for the club?
We don’t accept new memberships, it is strictly by invite only, and if someone was to apply they would need to be ranked within the top 10 in WA on Down Under Pairings.
What are the benefits being a member of the Toy Soldier Cartel?
- Having a casual (but competitive) place to practice,
- Diverse team members to help with all aspects of the hobby, from painting to playing.
- We also love a good dig at each other.
Also, Dome breakfast meets before every event. This, I find keeps a strong bond between the group and also gives us a form of a tradition. I love this, they all come early to events to help set up then disappear, it took us a while to work out where they were going. A team breakfast at Dome before every event!
When and where do you all meet?
At Cartel headquarters (my house), as often as we need too.

Club association with SHO in the past?
We debuted at SHO 2017, unfortunately didn’t get to help much. I’m really hoping to ramp up the support we give to events like SHO. This year we are supporting Objective Secured a little more.
What will the Toy Soldier Cartel be playing this year at SHO?
I’ll be taking part in the ATC, as part of the Mercs. I’ll be playing Genestealers spam. I’ll also be attending Last Blood with Genestealer cult (unfortunately cant spam here ☹ ). Other Toy Solider Cartel members are playing in the Warhammer 40,000 competitive event on the Saturday and the Shadespire event on the Sunday. We are hoping Toy Solider Cartel can finish well in all events we are part of.
Anything else you want to tell me?
My plans for the Cartel are to stay small, but be a large name within the community. With this in mind I do my best to support local groups (Objective Secured, for one) by any way I can. I believe with-out a healthy community, there will be no events to attend.