Today (well yesterday by the time I publish this) I was trawling websites looking for Australian table top gaming podcasts. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a list of Australian gaming podcasts and YouTube channels so I didn’t have to spend hours hunting?
One of the goals we set to achieve with Objective Secured was to create a resource dense website for table top gamers. That goal was set before we started Southern Hemisphere Open so it got a little lost along the way. I am making an effort to remember that goal.
In the last couple of weeks I have added as many Western Australian formal gaming events to the Calendar of Events as I possibly can for the same reason. I was trying to work out when to run the rest of our 2019 events and wanted to make sure we weren’t clashing with other events.
I thought ‘wouldn’t it be great if all the events were in one place’ so I created that place. If you are running an event please share it with us. I have added a ‘Get your event added’ tab to the website (hover over the Event tab and it will pop up). Please give us as much information as possible as we will use that to share with potential attendees. We are also happy to host your players packs. Just to put people’s mind at ease there is no fee to have your event on the calendar or for us to host the players packs. We just want to put as much information in the one place as possible!

After looking for the Australian gaming podcasts and YouTube channels and spending lots of time hunting (and not finding very much to be honest!) I decided that it was time to create a list of what is available and where.
If you are looking for something to listen to then why not check out some of the amazing talent we have right here in Australia. The list is only small to start with. I only have 14 (at the time of typing this) listed and only for 40k, Bolt Action, Blood Bowl, D&D, and Horus Heresy but my aim is to grow that list. You can find them on the ‘Australian Podcasts and YouTube’ tab on our website.
Why Australian Only
One of the things I am really passionate about is sharing how much Australia has to offer. I have said a number of times that I want to put WA on the gaming map. While that is said in semi-jest, I think it is really important to recognise that we have a LOT to offer to the gaming community. Mike and I tend to focus on Warhammer 40,000 and the biggest spotlight for 40k is Europe and US so we see a lot of podcasts coming out of UK and USA. Similarly a large number of other games originate in the UK so the podcasts often come from the UK as well. I am always interested in what our international friends have to say AND I want to throw a spotlight on our Australian counterparts.
Perhaps after Southern Hemisphere Open 2019 is over I will create an additional page for International podcasts and YouTube channels. In the mean time, if you are looking for something to listen to then show your Aussie friends some love and give them a listen!
If you happen to run an Australian gaming podcast, YouTube channel or Twitch stream dedicated to table top gaming or RPG then please send through an email with a short description of the channel and a link and I will add you to the list (please indicate if I need to add an ‘adult content/language’ warning).
Why only podcasts and YouTube?
That is a very good question! Once I got started I realised that actually I should be listing the blogs and possibly the Facebook groups relevant to these games as well.
If, for some reason, between now and Southern Hemisphere Open I have to dig through and find local gaming blogs and I have the information to hand then I will definitely collate it and add it to the website. If I don’t need to do it for Southern Hemisphere Open then it will have to wait and I will try and get it done after SHO.
If anyone happens to have a spare chunk of time on their hands and is looking for a project and wants to collate all the Australian table top gaming and RPG blogs together with short blubs and a link to the pages then let me know and I will gladly take that information and put it on the site!
Final thoughts
We have so many Australian’s creating amazing content for such a diverse range of gaming systems. If you are looking for something new to listen to or watch then check out our totally incomprehensive list of Australian Podcasts, YouTube channels and Twitch streams to see what the Aussies have to offer!