Western Australia’s Largest Single Player 40k event – the Perth GT 2020
With this event now just a few days ago, its difficult to remember all the work that went in prior. A lot of work certainly did happen to get there that’s for sure! This is the 6th event of this kind we have hosted and we have learned something new each time. The event where we don’t learn anything is an impossible dream I suspect.
Before we get stuck into the event details its important to remember that Australia – especially Western Australia – has been very well protected from the pandemic and as such we can meet all the health and legal requirements to host this event where most of the world could not. We are truly thankful for that!
The end of 2020 season event, the Perth GT 2020, was held in the largest town hall we can find – in Kelmscott, Western Australia. This venue has become almost a second home to us for events. Its spacious (near enough 580 square meters), has a full kitchen for us to use, ample free parking and is almost half way to everywhere in the Perth city area. All things considered it’s a great space.

Booking the venue is the easy part – after that is when the work begins. We have been fortunate that the new 9th edition of Warhammer 40,000 has a Grand Tournament book with some great missions designed with Organised play in mind which makes writing a players pack that little bit easier… that is until an FAQ drops.
Every year we have run our end of season event we have had a new codex or FAQ be released just weeks (or days!) before the players lists are due. The 2020 event was no exception. With new points values in play only a couple of days prior to list deadlines and some (I think great) changes to missions and rules we gave the players an extra 48 hours to get their armies sorted.
The event would be pairing using the process of ‘Brackets’ – something we picked up from running Grand Clashes and it’s a process I highly recommend if you can. You need to have the right amount of players and rounds but if you do you end up with 1 distinct winner undefeated at the end.
With all the tables and terrain packed, we added streaming gear to the mix – a choice I am incredibly happy we did. We also invested in a 5g connection so streaming should be uninterrupted. Nothing to do now but wait till 6am Saturday so we can open the doors and set up.
Our usual process on the morning set up went like clockwork – with volunteers helping lay out tables, boards and (with help from my cheat sheet) deploy terrain on the tables. While not entirely identical, the boards all had a similar layout and format which meant (hopefully) players would not have a loss due to a poor table draw.
We started about 10 mins late which isn’t the end of the world and the day got underway. As we finished round 4 we were about half an hour behind for day 1 which considering the day I was pretty happy with. What was also interesting is that we had a few upsets in the course of the day and instead of 8 undefeated we had only 5 (thanks to the pair up/down process for uneven brackets). This meant in theory we could have an undefeated player at the end of round 6… great…
Day 2 gets underway and we go from 2.45 to a full 3 hours for rounds as we wanted the top tables to complete games and not have a game score from an incomplete game. As the day wears on we hit round 7 and we still have 2 undefeated players – huzzah! The final game featured 2 top players and a great faction war of Slaanesh vs Aeldari. I don’t think I could ask for more!

The dust settled and we had our winner – Slaanesh had triumphed (while being all but tabled) and we see the 6th Annual event taken out by local hobby enthusiast and Warhammer store manager Mitch in a nail biter of a finish.
You can check out the lists on Down Under Pairings, watch the final game on our YouTube channel (be sure to hit the subscribe button while you are there!) and check out the players pack for the event format on our page HERE.
We have to many people to thank – volunteers, companies and most importantly the players – who made the event an amazing weekend to be a part of.
We hope to see you in December 2021 for the end of 2021 season finals once again!
If you are interested in the amazing terrain we had at the event you can check them out at the links below. If you are interested in the Obsec neoprene objective markers get in touch using the contact us tab or via social media.
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