With my last post about the Ynnariquins – I mentioned that it was just half of the Ynnari army I had planned for the next 40k event happening local to me. Part of the reason I only posted half of the list was because I hadn’t made up my mind what the other half looked like!
I had a few versions that appealed to me – featuring vanguards of aspect warriors or a battalion of assorted craftworld forces including hemlocks but part of my limit was around what I had to paint and with no Forgeworld allowed for this event I was further limited. What was the minimum I needed to do to get this army on the table?
Here is the list I submitted – they are public on Down Under Pairings now so no harm in sharing!
Ynnari – Harlequins – Battalion – ShadowSeer, Visarch, 3×5 troupe with 2 Fusion Pistols, 4 special combat weapons and 3 Star Weaver Transports.
Ynnari – Craftworld – Supreme Command – Yvraine, Spirit Seer, Winged Autarch with Banshee Mask, Power Sword and Fusion Pistol, 10 Howling banshees inc Exarch, Wave Serpent, Wraith Knight with Suncannon and scatter laser.
1849 Total and Starting CP of 9.

That wraithknight is just so expensive but I’m excited to try him again. Buffed correctly he will have 21 attacks in combat hitting on 2+ rerolling 1’s and then having reroll to wound to boot with his already impressive strength/ap/damage for titanic feet. Tap Dance on my enemies! The Banshees also benefit greatly from being ynnari and with the spirit seer I can buff them as needed for each game. The Serpent keeps that unit nice and safe in the early game. Yvraine can ride with harlequins or craftworld as needed (I have space to allow it) and the winged autarch is my warlord to benefit from the in built autarch rules for command points. He will likely get the hungering blade (since its converted on the model) which combined with his own statline, speed and no overwatch should see him become a killing machine for infantry and light/medium vehicles. His BS2+ fusion pistol is also welcome to the army alongside the other 6 in the harlequins.

I have 3 Psykers in the list at present which is great as I can deal multiple mortal wounds as well as buffing the forces easily. I have no set plan for powers at this stage but I can see a couple being staples as I get to grips with the army. Similarly, Warlord Trait (or traits with a stratagem) will be fairly flexible and even relics might be fluid – the shdowseer in particular can get some tasty combos happening if everything works right!
I will already say that looking at the field of lists, I’m not super keen on my chances for a podium finish. 2/2 might just have to be enough on this trial run for the Ynnari. An all Harlequin Ynnari list is almost certainly on the cards in the near future but for now – its time to learn whats what!