An intro is in order…

If you are reading this – I guess thank you is in order!

Welcome to “Objective Secured” a blog about the game and universe of Warhammer 40,000.

I have been playing 40k for as long as I can remember and while its had its share of tribulations over the years, I don’t see me leaving the game anytime soon. Its not perfect and I make no pretence that GW can do no wrong – in fact the reason I criticise them and the game is because I like it so much! I can see what it COULD be.

I have played many a tournament over the years and have won my fair share of them as well. I have been to the ETC in 2012 representing Australia in our first go at the event. I have (and presently do) captained the Western Australian ATC 40k team. You might take it that I am a hard core WAAC player – hardly! I love spending hours on conversions and narrative games as much as going in all guns blazing at no comp events.

For me – 40k is an opportunity to share time with like minded individuals (often over a beer!) while rolling some dice and trash talking the opposition.

I might see me about the various forums and you will hear me on Worlds End Radio – the podcast I co-host with a long time friend Luke if you are inclined to such pursuits. I hope to start my own podcast (along with Youtube channel) focussed on 40k in the near future.

On this blog you will get my thoughts on new codex, reviews on models, samples of my painting and works in progress (I do the odd bit of commission work as well) as well as battle reports and the like. I even hope to run a competition or 2 as I grow.

Thanks for joining me on the journey!
