Episode 15: What’s the Point?

Episode 15: What’s the Point?


In this episode, Mike and Emma tackle a question from a reader, listener, event attendee… all 3 and more? Just what is the best points size for games? Specifically, what’s the best point value for matched play for the biggest tabletop game in the world – Warhammer 40,000.

Of course it’s us so we head down the rabbit hole of points and event restrictions and how that all links together. Let it never be said we don’t give you an hours rambling discussion! Just how many points is enough? How does that impact army building and is it the only factor the event organiser and players need to consider? Is there a perfect balance of points to suit armies and do new releases impact this ideal balancing point? Turns out this topic is more complex than we thought!


This episode is also the last prior to the WATC – Australia’s biggest team 40k event. 120 players, 20 teams of 6 and a massive variety of lists are coming along! We have to thank a follower of ObSec and member of ObSec Gamers – James – for the following awesome graph laying out the break up from the first draft of the lists. Feel free to join the conversation and join the group! Speaking of which, you can find all the lists HERE – These lists have all been checked and corrected.

Just what point value do you prefer for 40k? What about the other games you may play? Do they have a sweet spot when it comes to points? Do you think elite armies suffer at smaller point values or are the codex balanced at a particular point? Tell us your stories – we want to hear from you!

Enough reading – go listen! Scroll to the bottom to stream it now or grab it from iTunes – Be sure to leave us a review on iTunes if you grab it there.

If you are interested in joining me in a future episode or what to let me know what you thought of the episode – you can use the CONTACT page.

Thanks for listening!