Episode 21: See it Coming

Episode 21: See it Coming

see it

When you can see it coming, its just an easier game! What you see is what you get or WYSIWYG for short can be a tricky topic for any event organiser… and that’s being compounded for a couple of events for paint work on models to boot! Now more than ever, being able to see it coming is in the forefront of competitive table top players minds.

In this episode, Mike and Emma are discussing the world of WYSIWYG and the decisions that event organisers have to make about this somewhat touchy subject. We discuss just how much impact an event organiser can have on a players personal hobby and what the ramifications of these calls can be.

We also look at the possible future effects of a painting WYSIWYG which is now being used at Warhammer World and discuss how they can possibly police this very personal part of the hobby. It’s a tricky topic and we have only scratched the surface so far!

see it

What do you think about modelling WYSIWYG at organised events? How strictly do you adhere to WYSIWYG in your day to day gaming? Is there a line in the sand so to speak where WYSIWYG stops and freedom of modelling is more important? How would you feel if an organiser required you to play WYSIWYG for painting as well? We don’t have a clear opinion on this one so we would love you to tell us what you think – we want to hear from you!

Enough reading – go listen! Scroll to the bottom to stream it now or grab it from iTunes – Be sure to leave us a review on iTunes if you grab it there.

If you are interested in joining me in a future episode or what to let me know what you thought of the episode – you can use the CONTACT page.

Thanks for listening!

*editors note – apologies that this is a couple of days later than usual – migraines suck!