Journey to the dark side part III…

Part 3 of our guest posts – we find out just how Nats first tournament went! You can read the other parts here and here. Over to you Nat!

Journey to the dark side part III…the transformation is almost complete

Hey there, Nat here again and the journey is almost complete! I thought I would give you all a run down of my first Shadespire Tournament experience.

The tournament was held at the Fremantle Games Workshop and was organised by the lovely store manager – Mitch (editors note – I am all but certain this is the first time Mitch has been called lovely!). Being my first singles tournament, I was super nervous at the thought of losing all of my games and not knowing what to do but that feeling soon went away during first game. My first game was played against the Farstriders. Oh Sigmar,  did I get served in that game or what, 12 glory to 2 in favour of the Fastriders but honestly I think I was just happy to take one of the characters out of action! A sort of moral victory I guess.

Round two was held against Sepulchral Guard, a warband I felt a little more confident in facing. After a confident start, on my behalf, I lost by 2 glory with the total score being 9 to 7. I needed to change tactics fast, Round three was against Garreks Reavers (Angry Bois as I like to call them) and that one was a close one. Holding on right until the end, I lost by 1 glory. Not going to lie, I was a little salty but was really impressed with how that round went. I was holding on right until the end.

Feeling a bit more confident in a tournament setting, round four was played against Magore’s Fiends. This was a warband I was nervous to go against purely due to all the things I have heard about them, but clearly Grimnir was smiling on me that round because I managed to wipe the entire warband off the board *Cheers Internally*. With that confidence boost, I headed into the final round against Steelheart’s Champions. Again this one was a tight game, I was sure I was going to win, not by much but in the final end phase we ended up on a draw.


Overall I was pretty happy with where I ended up in the tournament, placing 8th out of 14 players. It definitely gave me a taste of competitive play which has left me wanting more and solidified my want to play in the SHO Grandclash in September. But the biggest surprise of the night definitely was winning Best Painted!

Until next time,
