On the 11th and 12th of September 2021 Objective Secured ran our sixth annual Western Australian Team Challenge. This year we had 20 teams from around Western Australia come head to head for the WATC. 5 games, 2000 points, 6 players per team and each faction keyword can only be used once per team.
Mike and I did a couple of Facebook Lives during the event and I posted a few photos up on Instagram as the event was progressing.
Photos from throughout the event
Team photos
Our winners
Congratulations to the winning teams, in 3rd Juggernaughts Stone Cutters, 2nd Dice in Combat Squat and 1st Juggernaughts; The Flying Hellfish.

WATC thank you
I will type a proper wrap up of the WATC 2021 event but in the meantime, thank you very much to everyone involved in making the event a success.
Huge thank you to the people who always show up early on the days of events to help set up, we really appreciate it. Thank you to Courtney, Craig and Daniel who loaned us terrain and Tom from Amazing Forge for all that you did to ensure that our terrain was ready for the event.
Thanks to all the veteran players who came back (some came for their 6th WATC). The new players who came our for your first WATC or even your first event, thanks for coming. We have to say thank you to the four people who jumped in with no notice to play for teams who needed a fill in for a game or two, I think Lachlan and Dan both played three different armies across the event. Talk about flexibility.
Thanks to the captains for all your work.
Thanks to all of those who travelled to be at WATC 2021. Sadly our interstate teams were unable to join us for the 2021 WATC event but that just means you have a year to get yourself organised for the 2022 event.