Episode 97: Cursed City

Episode 97: Cursed City

Sometimes a box game like Cursed City lands and it can go one of 2 ways. The minis are amazing but the core game is boring/too easy/overly complex/some other issue OR it can be fun, intuitive, easy to pick up but complex and difficult enough to keep you wanting more. Warhammer Quest Cursed City is the later – and what a game it is.

Cursed City

After Mperor notified me they had an extra copy I could lay my hands on I snapped it up and we are here to give you our first impressions having just played our first mission with our 3 kids (16, 14 & 8). We dove into the cursed city and braved the horrors, saw our son become a man, our daughters take control of their destiny and their mum… run away and leave them to figure it out?!?

Cursed City

We take a look at the new Castellan Crowe model, talk all things beast snagga orks and then talk about the new version of kill team and its trailer incoming and the 5 things GW thinks you need to know about it. Once again we have an issue to resolve as TO’s with the ork book for events but otherwise it’s an exciting time to be in 40k! Did I mention we did a react video to the Kill team trailer HERE?

While Western Australia is all but returned to normal, we want to make sure you are all looking after yourselves during this trying quarantine period – if you need help from more than your present support network (and are in Western Australia) you can contact Beyond Blue (1300 22 46 36), Life line (131 114) or Crisis Care (089223 1111). If you are outside of Western Australia we really encourage you checking out your local provider of mental health via your preferred search engine.

Would you like to see us play through Cursed City as a series on YouTube? Unabridged or short and sharp? How long is to long? We would love to hear about your experiences and hear your feedback on this – we want to hear from you!

Enough reading – go listen! Scroll to the bottom to stream it now or grab it from iTunes – Be sure to leave us a review on iTunes if you grab it there.

If you are interested in joining us in a future episode or what to let us know what you thought of the episode – you can use the CONTACT page.

Thanks for listening!