2022 Objective Secured Western Australian Team Challenge
On the 10th and 11th of September Mike and I hosted our 7th annual WATC (Western Australian Team Challenge). What a weekend it was. 120 players, many non-playing captains or support crew, and reams of spectators filled the Kelmscott Hall. 20 teams of 6 players joined us for 5 games of 2000 point 9th Edition Warhammer 40,000.
I will post more about the event in the coming days but don’t forget you can keep up to date with what we are doing on Facebook and if you want to see what events we have coming up you can check out our events page.
WATC photos
Some teams will have more photos than other teams. That is purely based on how long you stayed in front of the banner!
Special mention to those teams who attended WATC who managed to position yourself ALL in front of the banner and an extra special mention to those who managed to centre yourself on the banner.
The way the photos are displayed in this gallery may crop them, click on them to see the full photo.

WATC team photos
One of the things we have seen over the years is the enthusiasm for team shirts! Not all teams have team shirts and they are in no way required but it is great seeing them all. Check out some serious and not so serious team photos.