Episode 93: Identity Crisis

Episode 93: Identity Crisis

Warhammer 40,000 seems to be back on the menu for most of the world with restrictions being lifted around the world – but is that very situation causing an identity crisis for organisers? We have house rules and home brew FAQ’s now showing up for major events and it feels (to me at least) like a step away from the idea that we would all play the same game.

identity crisis

We have always tried to run Objective Secured events using rules as written (or RAW) as much as we can as it allows us to be consistent in how things are played. What we have started to see is more organisers publishing their own documents to fix or balance the game as they see it should be – that’s a topic worth covering.

We do talk a lot about the WTC FAQ document – you can find that file HERE. To be clear, as fellow organisers, we have nothing but respect and admiration for the work the WTC team do in creating their document for their event and always seeking the best result for their attendees. We know just how hard that can be!

While Western Australia is all but returned to normal, we want to make sure you are all looking after yourselves during this trying quarantine period – if you need help from more than your present support network (and are in Western Australia) you can contact Beyond Blue (1300 22 46 36), Life line (131 114) or Crisis Care (089223 1111). If you are outside of Western Australia we really encourage you checking out your local provider of mental health via your preferred search engine.

How do you feel about using organisers own FAQ documents? How would you feel about using the WTC FAQ? Would this change depending on if you are playing away from how or not? We would love to hear about your experiences and hear your feedback on this – we want to hear from you!

Enough reading – go listen! Scroll to the bottom to stream it now or grab it from iTunes – Be sure to leave us a review on iTunes if you grab it there.

If you are interested in joining us in a future episode or what to let us know what you thought of the episode – you can use the CONTACT page.

Thanks for listening!