Warhammer 40,000 9th edition deep dive
You might have heard a whisper that Warhammer 40,000 9th edition is coming, if you didn’t hear a whisper perhaps you heard a scream or a shout or maybe even a ‘Waaaagh’, in fact I think you’d be hard pressed to find a table top gamer that hadn’t heard that 9th ed was coming. Saturday the 25th July the world of 40k will be changing.

This is only my second edition change but if you listen to our podcast or our facebook lives, watch us on Youtube or read our blogs you will know Mike has been playing every edition since Rogue Trader. One of us is more experienced with edition changes than the other.
Having been an event organiser through the previous edition change and being a part of the community for the 9th ed announcement, during the leaks, the supposition, and all the lead up to the edition change I have seen the mixture of excitement and trepidation at what the new edition will mean.
What we saw with the introduction of 8th edition was that once the new edition was announced, the drive for to continue playing 7th edition all but disappeared in the community as everyone got excited for what 8th would bring. This has been somewhat different as we have had 4 months prior to the new edition where we haven’t been able to host events, clubs have been closed, stores haven’t allowed gaming and so I think everyone is just hanging out to play. I can’t say we have seen people losing a desire to play 8th edition, we just aren’t really seeing much table time with all that’s happening.

What I saw with the last edition change and I’m seeing again this time is the questions around the changes to the system. What will those changes mean? How will they impact the game? How will they impact individual armies? There has been a lot of discussion around what individual changes mean when looked at in isolation but how do the changes work together?
Even though this is only my second edition change I feel pretty confident to say that this will be a fairly steep learning curve for many.
Mike and I try and have regular meetings (ok, that is totally not true, I try and have regular meeting with Mike, he tries to avoid them and groans when I get out my notebook) to discuss ways that we can support the community and ways that we can offer something that is a little bit different.
From a discussion around 9th edition and the learning curve that I anticipated the community to undergo I was asking how can we support the community through that learning curve? There sprung the idea of the 9th edition deep dive day. The intention is that we will sit down for 6 solid hours and go through the new edition from start to finish and really go in depth with our discussion around the new edition.
We had intended to record a pod cast episode on the new edition but honestly how long would that episode last? Instead we decided to get a group of people together and go through the rules, terrain, the 3 modes of play, tournaments (events) and points adjustments. Not just to skim the surface but to really dig deep.
Of course I’m not one to wait so while it would probably make more sense for us to hold off a week or two to run this day we are jumping right in. We have been lucky enough to get a copy of the Indomitus box early so we have read through the core rules (check out the blog post here and the podcast here). Saturday morning, day of release we will be setting up in the venue early morning. We will then be racing to the store to pick up a copy of the Chapter Approved 2020 book as well as two additional copies of Indomitus (The first will be split between people who come along to the deep dive day and the second we will keep so that we can use it at a new monthly club night that will be coming soon.) After we pick up the book and box Mike will be splitting the box and reading the point and missions in Chapter Approved as I drive us and we race back to Gosnells for a noon start for the event. Plenty of time right?
So lets talk deep dive day.
Strictly limited in person places with the tickets being offered to patrons first for a discounted prices.
We have now opened in person tickets to the general public and they are only $60 per ticket.
The day will run 12noon – 6pm in Gosnells WA.

Ticket price covers the event as well as a swag bag with a lucky dip squad or character from the Indomitus box. The rule books will be door prizes for the day and anything else that we get as bonuses for pre-ordering the box will also be give aways on the day (we can’t say what we will actually get yet so can’t say what we will be able to give away!) as well as some ObSec swag.
Tickets are available here.
For anyone who can’t make it in person but who wants to follow along and be a part of the discussion we will be live streaming the event. Sadly, we can’t organise to get swag to you but tickets are only $10 for the live streamed version. Tickets are available here. With different time zones we have planned a start time of 12noon WA time which is 2pm eastern states and 5am UK time. This may be a little early for some (me! It would be too early for me!) but the online version will be recorded, and you can watch it at your leisure. Obviously it is brilliant if you can watch live and you can join the discussion via the online chat function but if you can’t then you can watch and enjoy the discussion at a time that works for you!
Whether you come in person or watch live on-line or if you watch back the recording what I think will be really cool is the chance to actually sit and really take a deep dive into this new edition. It means that we get to share collective experience and knowledge to actually question and discuss the changes. To really reflect on how the changes will impact the game and to get a deeper understanding of the new edition. I am really excited that this is something that we are able to offer and thanks to the changes we experienced as a result of Covid we no longer feel as though we have to limit offering it to just 16 people who are local to us here in WA but literally people from around the globe can be a part of the discussion as well as a part of the learning. How cool is that?!
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